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지역문화지수 평가에서 우수한 문화자원과 기반을 인정받은 도시 '창원'

묻고답하기 게시판2 게시판 상세보기 테이블
번호 8869
제목 RE: 진해 군용제

I would like to express sincere gratitude for your interests in Changwon City.

Please excuse me for not answering to you earlier.

Firstly, there is no express bus from Seomyeon / Haeundae to Jinhae.

Instead, you can take the bus from Seomyeon/Haeundae to Changwon Bus Terminal.

Next, there is a small locker in Changwon Bus Terminal so you can keep your luggage there.

Lastly, Downloading Jinhae map is not available now. However, you can get a tourist map of Jinhae at the Tourist Information Center.

We are looking forward to welcoming you in Changwon City


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